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Legislation PAHPM is Tracking URGENT UPDATE

S. 2080 and H.R. 647 --Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA)

PCHETA is stalled.

Our Coalition Partner, Palliative Quality Life Coalition (PQLC), is working to organize and target outreach to specific members of Congress.  Please see the graphic below, and if you have any working relationship, or connections with these members, please reachout to us at PAHPM (  We can then work with PQLC and you to help move this important piece of legislation forward.

Again, please reachout to us at PAHPM (  

We can then work with PQLC and you to help move this important piece of legislation forward.

Also, is your member of Congress supporting Palliative Care and PAs?

Visit AAHPM's website for more info and an easy way to contact your member of Congress.