Wednesday June 21st is Virtual Lobby Day in Support of PCHETA—the Palliative Care and Hopsice Education and Training Act.
Please support the efforts of the Patient Quality of Life Coaltion, of which PAHPM is a member, in encouraging Senators to support advancement of PCHETA this year.
Please help us gain momentum and make this the year, PCHETA passes. Contact your Senators!
PCHETA will:
- Educate healthcare professionals and provide specific palliative training
- Create Awareness of palliative care and serious-illness care needs and training
- Increase Research in palliative care to better serve our patients and families experiencing serious illness.
If you’re on social media such as Twitter, please consider posting and tagging your home Senators.
You can see if they are a co-sponsor already by clicking here, and if you don’t see their name yet, ask them to support PCHETA and be a co-sponsor.
Here are some Twitter basics and phrasing:
—include: #PCHETA, @PatientQoL, and #PasDoingPalliative in your Tweet
—include your Senators tag as well! @________
—The ASK is to Co-sponsor, and if they are already, Thank Them!
@McConnellPress please cosponsor #S4260! By advancing education, awareness & research, #PCHETA will improve quality of care & quality of life for patients & families facing #seriousillness. This bill has bipartisan support & is endorsed by 50+ orgs. #hpm #hapc
Thanks for helping us keep the #PCHETA momentum going!